Drama in Canada

Lately, Canada has been in the news a lot, and not for any good reasons. First, last week, human remains were being sent to members of our political parties by a crazed young man who had murdered his lover in Montreal.He also had a penchant for torturing kittens and posting videos of these depraved acts on YouTube. Fortunately, this maniac has just been arrested in Berlin, and there will be no more such sensational behavior to sully our reputation as the kinder, gentler nation to the North. If that weren’t enough, I got a phone call from a relative in the US on Saturday night, checking to make sure that I hadn’t been walking through the Eaton Centre earlier that evening (I wasn’t) when a gunman decided to start shooting up the place. He, too, was quickly apprehended, but apparently, CNN is having a field day with the story. Suddenly Toronto is being seen as a hot spot for violent crime. Of course, that’s far from the truth, but it is an unfortunate coincidence that two outrageous criminal acts happened on our fair shores within the space of a week. I think that the excitement should be dying down now, and I’m imagining that there won’t be any more such craziness for a long while. Canada can get back to normal and reclaim its reputation for being nice and polite, and both Canadians and visitors from around the world can feel comfortable walking around its cities again. Phew! Now, if only we could do something about the nutty weather….

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