20 Amazing Life Hacks for 2020

The new decade is upon us and I’m really looking forward to it. I love the sound of “2020.” It reminds me of 20-20 vision, in which we see things with perfect clarity.

There’s always talk about making resolutions as each New Year approaches, but resolutions are often superficial and unhelpful. Instead, I offer my list of 20 life hacks for 2020 to start the decade off right and create success, love and happiness this year and in the years to come.

My 20 life hacks for 2020:

1. Unpack your baggage. Deal with your issues so that you don’t bring past hurts and grievances into your present-day relationships. Process this baggage on your own or in therapy and don’t let your past wounds interfere with today’s goals.

2. Face the truth. Be realistic about yourself, other people and the world. Give up your denial, wishful thinking and hopeful fantasy and see what’s really there. That’s when you become empowered to deal with life most effectively.

3. Let go. Give up the dysfunctional attitudes, beliefs and habits that are holding you back from being your best self. You may need some professional help to do this but it’ll be totally worth it.

4. Manage your expectations. Be realistic about what you’re capable of and where your shortcomings lie, and do the same for others. Know your deal-breakers and what you can live with. Most importantly, don’t sweat the small stuff. This will prevent so much disappointment and frustration.

5. Trust your gut. Your intuition is infinitely more brilliant than your intellect. Listen to your inner voice of wisdom and do what it tells you. It will never steer you wrong.

6. Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes and failures are fantastic opportunities for insight and for growth. The truly successful person takes advantage of every opportunity to learn, change and do better next time.

7. Give up the notion of “perfection.” Perfection is impossible and unnecessary. In this new decade, it’s time to realize that being “good enough” is absolutely good enough.

8. Don’t settle for less. Every time you settle for less, you get less. Every time you hold out for more, you get more. This applies to work, living arrangements, your health, and most of all, to romance.

9. Take care of your body. Make sure you eat good food, get enough rest and exercise regularly. There can be no emotional well-being if you neglect your physical well-being.

10. Learn how to bounce back. Too many people these days get totally thrown off course by minor problems. You need to learn how to be resilient and bounce back from challenges and disappointments. This is how you create your best life.

11. Learn how to say “No.” You are 100% entitled to set limits, reject unacceptable options and set strong boundaries. Anyone who objects to this clearly doesn’t have adequate respect for you.

12. Practice patience and perseverance. Good things take time. Be patient and trust that if you keep doing what you’re supposed to do, you’ll arrive at your goal at the right time. It’s a sad fact that many people give up just before they’re about to reach their goal. Believe in yourself and in what you’re doing. Keep up the good work and success will be in your grasp.

13. Practice healthy skepticism. In this era of manipulated media, you can’t always believe what other people tell you or even what you see online. Question other people’s motivations and consider the possibility of ulterior motives. Take your time to build a solid base of trust in others. They need to earn it from you.

14. Don’t forget to play. Living your best life is about finding that optimal balance between work and play. Everyone needs joy, fun, creativity and exploration. Otherwise, it’s mostly drudgery. Figure out your way to play and go for it.

15. Be more open. Open your mind to all the different perspectives available and open your heart to love and connection. When you do this you’ll be making space within yourself and your life for so much more of what’s possible.

16. Stop objectifying yourself and others. Value yourself as a person, not a commodity. You’re here to be your best self; not to be used or exploited by others. Likewise, other people are here to be their best selves and not to be used or exploited by you. When we’re all just being our best, everyone wins.

17. Pursue meaning, not money. If you think that having more money will bring you what you truly need, you’re on the wrong track. The happiest, most fulfilled people live lives that they feel are meaningful. Enough money is necessary, but more money is not helpful. More meaning is. 

18. Be kind, not nice. People-pleasing will never bring you love, happiness or success. Kindness, on the other hand, will bring you everything. If you don’t understand the difference between being kind and being nice, do the research.

19. Accept yourself. Love yourself for who you are without giving yourself a free pass to misbehave. Self-acceptance has nothing to do with giving yourself permission to be your worst self. Self-acceptance should always be associated with trying to be your very best.

20. Roll up your sleeves and do the work. All of the above life hacks will take some effort and some time, but they’re well worth it. You’re worth it. Hard work that’s focused on realistic, positive and meaningful goals will always pay off with huge dividends.

These are my 20 life hacks for 2020. Try them on for size and see how much better your life can be, right now and in the New Year to come.

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