
Be Kind, Not Nice: How to Stop People-Pleasing, Build Your Confidence and Discover Your Authentic Self​ (The Short and Sweet Guides to Life - Volume 4)

Are you frustrated in your relationships? Are you an employee, manager or boss? Are you a parent, teacher, or caregiver? Are you a sibling, friend, or part of a couple? ​

In this book, Dr. Marcia Sirota gives you the straight talk with real-life stories, deep psychological insights, and practical, easy-to-apply tools to rebuild your self-esteem and stop trying so hard to make other people happy.​

Back on the Market: The Grown-up Woman’s Guide to Great First Dates... and Beyond (The Short and Sweet Guides to Life - Volume 3)

Back on the Market: The Grown-up Woman’s Guide to Great First Dates…and Beyond delivers insights from a woman’s perspective that are eye-opening, light-hearted and spot on. A quick and easy read, Back on the Market delivers nuggets of wisdom and practical pointers for making the most of your first dates... and beyond.

Women Decoded: The Secret Strategy for Relationship Success (The Short and Sweet Guides to Life - Volume 2)

Women Decoded: The Secret Strategy for Relationship Success, delivers wisdom and eye-opening insights in a style that is fun, enlightening and easy to digest.

Loving Heart, Quiet Mind, Healthy Body (The Short and Sweet Guides to Life - Volume 1)

Lose weight and heal through self-love and positive affirmations: Loving Heart, Quiet Mind, Healthy Body is a refreshing book that will transform your body and elevate your life. You’ll feel fully supported as Dr. Marcia Sirota gives you all the tools you need to eat healthy and “feel full” of love, possibilities, confidence, self-worth and inner peace.

Emotional Overeating: Know the Triggers, Heal Your Mind, and Never Diet Again

In this groundbreaking yet accessible work, Marcia Sirota puts happiness in its rightful place as the true reason for overcoming compulsive eating. She shows why diets and dieting can’t work and how the goal shouldn’t only be weight loss, but freedom from the obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors associated with overeating.

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