
Are you frustrated in your relationships?
Are you an employee, manager or boss? Are you parent, teacher or caregiver? Are you a sibling, friend or part of a couple?

Be Kind Not Nice CoverIn this book, Dr. Marcia Sirota gives you the straight talk with real-life stories, deep psychological insights and practical, easy-to-apply tools to rebuild your self-esteem and stop trying so hard to make other people happy.






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In Be Kind, Not Nice, you’ll discover how:

  • To escape the vicious circle of people pleasing, being mistreated, frustration and addiction
  • To become a more compassionate, kind person
  • To love and accept yourself first
  • To take better care of yourself and live a more authentic, empowered life
  • To create positive, successful relationships at home, school and work

If you’re a people-pleaser and can’t stop being nice, this book is for you. 

We use words like kindness and nice every day without ever really thinking about what they may actually mean. By deconstructing two seemingly simple words in an attempt to define them, this book opens a doorway to a deep meditation on self-forgiveness, healing and true personal potential.

– Jeff de Boer, metal artist and creator of suits of armour for mice

Every page of Dr. Marcia Sirota’s new book reflects her own intelligence and compassion. Be Kind, Not Nice offers the kind of encouragement we all need — not rooted in fantasy or wishful thinking, but based in a truth that is unlocked with greater understanding of ourselves and our own potential. You are amazing, and Dr. Sirota can prove it. 

– David Hopkins, author of We Miss All the Great Parties

Finally, a book that champions your success. Don’t miss out on even one more day of getting all you want in life.

Be Kind, Not Nice: How to Stop People-Pleasing, Build Your Confidence and Discover Your Authentic Self;


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