
How a Chaotic, Abusive Childhood Can Lead to Estrangement

Siblings pitted against each other in childhood often become estranged as adults. For more, click here

Is Jealousy Keeping You Ruthless

Dr. Sirota was featured on the Jealousy Junkie podcast in August 2022 discussing how the Ruthless Compassion concept can successfully be applied to all aspects of your life. To listen, click here.

The impact of inflation on our mental health

The latest interest rate announcement from the Bank of Canada is set for this week. Economists are predicting an increase in the key policy rate by three-quarters of a percentage point in an effort to slow down inflation. How does inflation impact mental health?

Dr. Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist, joins Devon Peacock to discuss.

Originally published 07/12/22

Why it’s important to remember to have fun

The Canada Day long weekend is upon us. 2 and a half years into the COVID-19 pandemic, are Canadians having fun?

Dr. Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist and she joins Devon Peacock to talk about the importance of having fun in your life. 

Originally published 06/30/22

Talking to kids about school shootings following the attack in Uvalde, Texas

What do you say to kids about school shootings to ease their stress following the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas?

Dr. Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist, joins Devon Peacock to discuss. 

Originally published 05/31/22

Ruthless Compassion as a Kindness Leader featuring Dr. Marcia Sirota

Dr. Sirota appeared on the Trench Leadership podcast with host Simon Kardynal. She dicussed how practicing the concept of Ruthless Compassion leaders to kinder leaders.
Click here link to listen.

70+ selfish parents quotes to help you deal with the situation is a modern Nigerian digital media platform. They quoted Dr. Sirota in a selfish parents quotes article. For more, clic here.

Flexibility, being open-minded, and compassion are key to combatting divisiveness in Canada: expert

A new nation-wide phone survey done over two weeks last month suggests more Canadians are becoming divided.

Dr. Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist, joins Devon Peacock to discuss.

Originally published 04/06/22

How can we avoid “Doomscrolling” and reduce our social media use?

Do you ever sit there on your phone or computer, scrolling through social media and getting more depressed by the moment by what you see happening in the world? It’s a phenomenon called “doomscrolling,” and it’s an unhealthy habit we should try to break. Psychiatrist Dr. Marcia Sirota joins John to explain what is it, how it affects us psychologically, and how can we avoid it and reduce our social media use. How do you limit your social media use?

Originally Published 22/03/22

If you’re doomscroling the war in Ukraine, you may experience vicarious trauma

Doomscrolling the war in Ukraine could be causing added stress and causing vicarious trauma for some.

Dr. Marcia Sirota, author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist, joins Devon to discuss doomscrolling, vicarious trauma, and tips to help you stay informed while being mindful of your mental health.

Originally published 21/03/22

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