169 – Jessi Kneeland Discusses Body Neutrality

Jessi Kneeland (they/them) is a queer and non-binary body image coach, speaker, and author of the book BODY NEUTRAL: A Revolutionary Guide to Overcoming Body Image Issues. Through a concept called body neutrality—the practice of consciously stripping our bodies of all false or inflated meaning, biases, and moral significance—Jessi is committed both to helping individuals feel more empowered, worthy, and confident in themselves, and to advancing collective liberation and healing from systems of oppression.

Instagram, tiktok, facebook, and twitter: @jessikneeland 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JessiKneeland 

Their podcast- This Is (Not) About Your Body: https://rss.com/podcasts/jessikneeland/ 

Website: jessikneeland.com

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