As we move into the New Year, many of us have made resolutions. Unfortunately, most of us will have abandoned these resolutions by the end of January. Research has shown that up to 80% of people who make resolutions don’t keep them.
When we make resolutions, it’s because we want to change something about ourselves; something that’s making us unhappy. It’s sad, then, that so many of us fail to keep these resolutions. The good news is that there’s a way we can make resolutions that stick.
First, we need to understand why our resolutions fail. They fail because many of our resolutions aren’t what we really want but are changes that we think we should make. They fail because anytime we tell ourselves that we “should” do something, there’s an immediate pushback. Human beings tend to resist being pushed around and we resist anything that feels like an imposition.
So, if we want to make resolutions that succeed, we need to get in touch with what we really want and make changes that are meaningful to us and that really matter. We can’t impose changes on ourselves and we can’t force ourselves to do things. When changes are meaningful and integral to our true wishes and goals, they’re much more likely to stick.

Change is hard and won’t happen unless it’s meaningful

Change is hard and won’t happen unless it’s meaningful
Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content.
Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content.
Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content.
Change is hard and won’t happen unless it’s meaningful
Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content. Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text commonly used in graphic design, publishing, and web development to fill empty spaces in a layout that does not yet have content.