Cheryl Costello – The courage to be real

LGTBQ Activist and writer, Cheryl Costello discusses the challenges she has faced in life and how they have inspired to live with more love and to help others do the same.


Cheryl Costello is the force behind,, and the soon launching but is far more than the one who finds hearts in our communities, captures the beauty of the world around us and makes leadership skills accessible for everyone.

She has worked with Fortune 500 and Financial Post 500 companies and is an activist who has given LGBTTIQQ2SA individuals a powerful voice, having spoken on numerous panels, and is a sought out authority on LGBTTIQQ2SA issues, Intersectionality and the power of young women in leadership.

Notably, she was a Keynote speaker at World Pride 2014 (the biggest Pride event in North America’s history). Her guiding vision is to leave the world a little more kind and a lot more filled with love, so that people know how good it can get and just how much life there is their living.

She is currently writing her first book and would love to connect with you on Instagram: @cherylalisoncostello and through her websites.

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