Be Fiercely

I help people heal their emotional wounds like trauma and addiction to become powerful kindness warriors.

- Dr. Marcia Sirota


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The Ruthless Compassion Podcast

173 – The Devastating Impact of Addiction on Families with Patricia Roos

Patricia Roos was a professor of sociology at Rutgers University when in 2015 her 25-year-old son Alex died from a heroin overdose. Her training as a sociologist led her on a quest to better understand what

The Reel Mental Podcast

17-Shane Conto Discusses Will and Harper

Shane Conto (he/him) is an educator by day and a full-blown cinephile who dabbles in all types of film circles the rest of the time. YouTuber, writer, and podcaster, Shane highlights his love for film amongst

The Ruthless Compassion Podcast

Alice Munro’s daughter, Andrea Robin Skinner, recently revealed that she was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin. Skinner’s account highlights the devastating impact of enablers, including her mother, who prioritized Munro’s fame and well-being over her daughter’s safety. This revelation has raised important questions about complicity and silence in cases of child abuse.

The Reel Mental Podcast

Alice Munro’s daughter, Andrea Robin Skinner, recently revealed that she was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin. Skinner’s account highlights the devastating impact of enablers, including her mother, who prioritized Munro’s fame and well-being over her daughter’s safety. This revelation has raised important questions about complicity and silence in cases of child abuse.

Canada is United in Giving the Finger to the Bully to the South cover

Canada is United in Giving the Finger to the Bully to the South

Canada stands united against the bullying tactics of the current US president. Canadians are responding with resilience, unity, and a firm refusal to be intimidated. We’re not just polite; we’re strong and ready to defend our nation’s interests.

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On Valentine’s Day 2025, Fall in Love With Yourself cover

On Valentine’s Day 2025, Fall in Love With Yourself

This Valentine’s Day, it’s time to fall in love with yourself. Self-love makes you a better person and is the foundation for positive growth and change.

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Canada is United in Giving the Finger to the Bully to the South cover
Canada is United in Giving the Finger to the Bully to the South
March 10, 2025
Canada stands united against the bullying tactics of the current US president. Canadians are responding with resilience, unity, and a firm refusal to be intimidated. We’re not just polite; we’re strong and ready to defend our nation’s interests.
On Valentine’s Day 2025, Fall in Love With Yourself cover
On Valentine’s Day 2025, Fall in Love With Yourself
February 10, 2025
This Valentine’s Day, it’s time to fall in love with yourself. Self-love makes you a better person and is the foundation for positive growth and change.
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