
Lessons Learned From My Year of Working Minimally

I’m a pretty strong, resilient person, but in the past few years I’ve lost a lot of loved ones, and I mean, a lot. Finally, it started getting to me. My patience was wearing thin, my tolerance for some of the stuff that tends to get thrown at me as a therapist (an expected occupational […]

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Chewbacca Mom and the Power of Authenticity

When Candace Payne uploaded a video last week in which she sat in her car, put on a Chewbacca mask and started laughing uncontrollably, she created an online phenomenon. People have been asking what made her video such a huge hit. Many believe that her unbridled happiness and no-holds-barred laughter were incredibly infectious and filled […]

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Ten Tips for Unblocking Your Creativity and Fulfilling Your Potential

Some people are incredibly creative and productive. I’m thinking of Mark Morris,  Robert Lepage,   Steve Martin,  Arianna Huffington and Oprah Winfrey, for example. If you’re not quite there yourself, you might be wondering, “What’s their secret?” It’s easy to get caught up in bad thinking patterns or counterproductive behaviours; sometimes, you find yourself surrounded […]

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The Ambitious Woman’s Guide to Finding Love

Whoever said that a woman can have it all is being very optimistic. Most women are pulled in a dozen different directions every day, and most of us would be thrilled to borrow the two extra arms of the Indian goddess Kali, to accomplish everything we need to get done, each day. Maybe we can […]

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The Problem With Seeing Only What We Want to See

I’ve been thinking about how it’s human nature to see what we want to see and ignore anything that goes against our expectations of how things ought to be, or how we want things to be. We’ll miss something that’s staring us right in the face if we don’t want to see it. In my […]

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Prince: The Tragic Death of A Strange Genius

It really hit me hard when I heard the news that Prince had died, and I’ve been  wondering why it upset me so much. I felt the loss as though he was someone I knew personally; someone important to me. I imagine other people have been feeling similarly. This was an artist so beloved by […]

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