
Dr. Marcia Sirota on Abusive Relationships, Modern Dating, and Why You Should be Kind, Not Nice

Dr. Sirota in a podcast interview explains how to deal with difficult family members and work situations, why people stay in abusive relationships, what to do if a loved one is in an abusive relationship, and what emotional abuse really is. Click here to listen.

Published November 2019

Blue Monday and Seasonal Depression

Dr. Marcia Sirota talks about Monday blues and seasonal depression and how we can improve our mental health in winter.

Published January 16, 2023

“Help! I’m a chronic people pleaser!”

Dr. Sirota was featured in the December 26th, 2022 issue of Woman’s World discussing the topic of people-pleasing. For an excerpt article, click here or refer to the graphic below.

Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Dr. Sirota appeared on the  podcast, podcast, Relationship Alchemy with Marie-Elizabeth Mali in November 2022. 

She gave her insights and advice on why we should be taking responsibility for our own self-care, how to develop boundaries and tolerance, why we shouldn’t turn to romcoms for answers, and why adult relationships should be conditional.

To listen, click here.

Parents Cancel 15 Y.O. Son’s Birthday Party As Their Favored Daughter Was Not Interested In It

Having a sibling teaches you sharing, how to live with another person, and gives you a playmate and a best friend. When you have a sibling, you may be envious of only children as they get all the attention and don’t have to wear hand-me-down clothes. Not only that, but you don’t have to fight for your parents’ attention because as much as it is wrong, some parents don’t hide which child they love more.

For more, click here.

Is Jealousy Keeping You Ruthless

Dr. Sirota was featured on the Jealousy Junkie podcast in August 2022 discussing how the Ruthless Compassion concept can successfully be applied to all aspects of your life. To listen, click here.

The impact of inflation on our mental health

The latest interest rate announcement from the Bank of Canada is set for this week. Economists are predicting an increase in the key policy rate by three-quarters of a percentage point in an effort to slow down inflation. How does inflation impact mental health?

Dr. Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach and psychiatrist, joins Devon Peacock to discuss.

Originally published 07/12/22

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