
Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes: Rising Above Toxicity

Dr. Sirota was quoted in an article by Pinkvilla called “Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes: Rising Above Toxicity”.

To read, click here.

There’s No Such Thing as a Happy Narcissist

Dr. Sirota was quoted in an article about how narcissists can never be happy. For more, click here

Publication Date: July 18, 2023

Loneliness: The New Silent Killer

Dr. Marcia Sirota talks about the difference between loneliness and being alone, as well as how to deal with loneliness by making meaningful connections.

Published May 11, 2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap: Note to Younger Self

Dr. Sirota was quoted by Vulture Magazine, New York, about how “bad reality TV rots our brain and makes us rude.” For more, click here.

Original Date: Jan. 9, 2022

The Masculinity Crisis and the Death of the Hollywood Hero

Dr. Sirota wrote an article called “The Emasculation of Hollywood Men” that was quoted by “Hollywood in Toto (HiT)”. For media article, click here.

Publication date: Feb 1, 2023

Dr. Marcia Sirota on Abusive Relationships, Modern Dating, and Why You Should be Kind, Not Nice

Dr. Sirota in a podcast interview explains how to deal with difficult family members and work situations, why people stay in abusive relationships, what to do if a loved one is in an abusive relationship, and what emotional abuse really is. Click here to listen.

Published November 2019

Blue Monday and Seasonal Depression

Dr. Marcia Sirota talks about Monday blues and seasonal depression and how we can improve our mental health in winter.

Published January 16, 2023

“Help! I’m a chronic people pleaser!”

Dr. Sirota was featured in the December 26th, 2022 issue of Woman’s World discussing the topic of people-pleasing. For an excerpt article, click here or refer to the graphic below.

Dealing with loss during the holidays in wake of the death of London Knight, Abakar Kazbekov

Dr. Marcia Sirota joins Devon Peacock to talk about facing loss during the holidays. You can’t go around the pain, you have to move through it.

Originally aired 12/19/22

Stay true to yourself and avoid people pleasing this holiday season

The holidays are fun, but can also be a stressful time for people pleasers. Dr. Marcia Sirota explains what people pleasing is and shares tips on how you can avoid it this holiday season.

Originally aired 12/12/22

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