Developing Authenticity

The first thing to consider is, “Why is authenticity important?”

To me, the answer is clear: being more authentic helps you have more of what you want in life.

When you’re more authentic, you waste less time in activities and relationships that don’t meet your needs. You clarify your goals and can pursue them without the obstacles of doubt or confusion.

So, how do you become more authentic? It starts with being more honest with yourself.

We all tell ourselves stories about what we feel and want; authenticity is facing the truth about these things; being grounded in the reality of our past and present life.

To become more authentic, you need to spend time looking inward, connecting to your emotions, perceptions, sensations and desires. When you take the time to tune in to yourself, you know who you are and as a result, you can be more genuine in the world.

Being authentic involves being more vulnerable. When you show others who you are, you face disapproval, misunderstanding or rejection. You should know that you’re OK, and that if someone doesn’t like the authentic you, they aren’t anyone you need in your life.

If you want to be more authentic in your personal relationships, do it gradually. Get to know the other person and make sure that they respect you and care about you. Reveal more intimate aspects of yourself as you feel more comfortable with the other person. That’s how you avoid major disappointments or hurts.

Being authentic in the workplace is more about speaking your truth, but in a strategic manner. You have to understand that work relationships are very different than personal ones. In this environment, you want to be genuine but you don’t need to reveal personal information.

Authenticity in the workplace makes you more accessible and approachable; people respond better to you and they find your ideas and products more compelling. You don’t need to be vulnerable here, as much as sincere.

Authenticity makes everything better: you get more of what you want, personally and professionally and other people know where you stand. You know who likes you and who agrees with your message, so you don’t waste time or energy with people who aren’t right for you.

Isn’t it time for you to embrace authenticity?

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