
The Ruthless Compassion Podcast with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Ruthless Compassion is a podcast about people who’ve turned their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Host, Dr. Marcia Sirota gets into it — with experts and regular folks — about the heavy stuff that gets in the way of what we want. Heavy stuff like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, difficult family and work relationships and the importance of self-care.

Dr. Marcia‘s approach is clear, human and accessible, which helps listeners turn their emotional shit into fertilizer.

177 – Modern-Day Sex Trafficking with Brian Joseph

Brian Joseph is the author of Vegas Concierge: Sex Trafficking, Hip Hop, and Corruption In America. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and investigative journalist for about 20 years, writing for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Orange County Register, and the Sacramento Bee, among other publications. In 2013-14, he was an investigative reporting fellow […]

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174 – Women’s Mental Health with Misty Pratt

Misty Pratt is a science communicator and author of the book All In Her Head: How Gender Bias Harms Women’s Mental Health. With over a decade of experience working in the field of biomedical research, Misty unpacks how personal and systemic biases have shaped our scientific understanding of disease and wellness. Misty has written for […]

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172 – Navigating Intergenerational Trauma with Tracey Yokas

 Tracey Yokas creates stuff. When she isn’t writing about mental health and wellness, she can be found playing with paint, glitter, and glue. She shares about her family’s journey with mental illness so others will know they are not alone. She is dedicated to supporting women in the journey towards authenticity, and fulfills her […]

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171 – The Power of Empathy with Michael Tennant

Michael Tennant is the Founder, and CEO of Curiosity Lab, a purpose-driven venture studio and consultancy that builds products and experiences that teach empathy, creator of the empathy card game, Actually Curious, and author of The Power of Empathy, described by Inc. as “effectively balancing a self-help approach with a practical explanation of how we can use empathy as a tool”.

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