
The Ruthless Compassion Podcast with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Ruthless Compassion is a podcast about people who’ve turned their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Host, Dr. Marcia Sirota gets into it — with experts and regular folks — about the heavy stuff that gets in the way of what we want. Heavy stuff like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, difficult family and work relationships and the importance of self-care.

Dr. Marcia‘s approach is clear, human and accessible, which helps listeners turn their emotional shit into fertilizer.

87 – Dr. Bechara Saab: How can we Boost Our Curiosity to Improve our Memory and Lift our Mood

As CEO of MI, I am committed to supporting my team in building digital tools that empower better living and faster healing. We blend science and design with internally developed technology that remotely and objectively measures mind and body data (typically via computer vision-enabled psychobiometrics). By partnering with medical and academic institutions around the world, […]

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85 – Allyson Harrison: How Snowplow Parenting is Creating Snowflake Young People

Allyson G. Harrison is a clinical psychologist, currently employed as the clinical director of the Regional Assessment & Resource Centre at Queen’s University. She also holds an appointment as an Associate professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Queen’s University. Her research is dedicated to issues of differential diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders and the […]

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Robyne Hanley-Dafoe: Everyday Resiliency

Described as one of the most sought-after, engaging, thought-provoking, and truly transformative international speakers and scholars in her field, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe is a multi-award-winning education and psychology instructor and resiliency expert. What sets Dr. Robyne apart is how she learned resiliency from the ground up, as a person who has experienced significant obstacles yet […]

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83 – Ruth Ben-Ghiat: The Dangerous Rise of Authoritarian Politics

Ruth Ben-Ghiat is a historian, educator, and commentator on fascism, authoritarian leaders, and propaganda — and the threats these present to democracies around the world. Professor of History and Italian Studies at New York University, she is author or editor of seven books and many essays and op-eds in media outlets including CNN, The New […]

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82 – Claire Soares: Empowered Entreprenuership

Claire Soares is the founder of The Self Funded CEO™ Coaching Program and the mastermind behind the multi-million dollar flagship startup travel company, Up in the Air Life. She believes in doing what you love, being who you are, and living life out loud. As a former sales executive at a Fortune 500 company, Claire […]

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80 – Dana Cohen: Common-sense Miracles

Dana G. Cohen, MD has been practicing integrative medicine for the last 20 years in Manhattan. She is a nationally renowned internal and integrative medicine specialist whose multi-disciplinary approach has helped treat thousands of patients using a variety of conventional and complementary therapies. In practice for nearly two decades, Cohen trained under the late Dr. […]

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78 – Allyson Harrison: Personality, Politics, and Polarization

Allyson G. Harrison is a clinical psychologist, currently employed as the clinical director of the Regional Assessment & Resource Centre at Queen’s University. She also holds an appointment as an Associate professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Queen’s University. Her research is dedicated to issues of differential diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders and the […]

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