"Creativity February”: A Call to Cultivate Your Passions cover

“Creativity February”: A Call to Cultivate Your Passions

As the new year progresses, many of us are thinking about how to improve our lives, given all the challenges we’ve been facing.

One way to do this is by focusing on our creativity. Whatever form it takes, creativity brings more joy, fulfilment, meaning, and focus to our lives. And it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

I’ve been working on a speculative fiction project for the last few years that only costs me my monthly internet fees. I know people who take dance classes, art classes, music lessons, and improv workshops that are of high quality but low cost.

person hand holding photo frame

The power of creativity

Creativity is available to anyone and everyone. If you want to explore, to play, to build, there are plenty of resources available, both in-person and online.

We can use our creativity to discover new ideas and consider new ways of doing things. We can use it to solve problems, or to make things.

Whether we focus on the process or the product, we should remember that the experience of creating is valuable, in and of itself.

Creativity is empowering

Being creative is empowering, educational, enjoyable, and eye-opening. We learn about ourselves, build self-esteem and confidence, and through it, we have opportunities to connect on a deeper level with others.

We’re able to bond over shared passions, bring forth objects of beauty, and contribute positively to our communities and the world.

Being creative gives us immediate access to joy and fulfilment. We don’t need to be entertained or amused when we are in touch with our creativity. We can enjoy ourselves, challenge ourselves, and even heal ourselves by pursuing our passions.

man making clay pot

Everyone is creative

Too many people have this false belief that they’re “not creative.” This comes from our families or our schools, which often have the wrong approach when it comes to our creativity.

Many kids grow up with their innate creativity repressed or suppressed. It’s up to each of us to dig deep and find it once again.

Creativity isn’t about doing things a certain way. We don’t have to get hung up on perfection or pandering to current trends. We can just express ourselves, authentically and adventurously.

Creativity brings fresh perspectives

Creativity is a tremendous solace in hard times. I’ve turned to it in moments of sadness and stress, and it has always helped me to work through my feelings and emerge stronger and more resilient.

And creativity enables us to think about things in different ways; to be open to new perspectives and new methods.

Art of any type enables people to see themselves and their world in a different way. Art — whether doing it or experiencing it— has the power to change lives and disrupt systems. It’s needed now, more than ever.

We’re all talking about “dry January” and “join a gym January,” but why not talk about “Creativity February?” My wish is for everyone to explore their own creativity, and see what amazing things come from it.


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