
Why We Need Tolerance, Now More Than Ever

These days, I’ve been thinking a lot about why people are so polarized and so angry and hateful toward one-another. The right wing of politics has tremendous animosity toward the left and vice-versa; race relations are at an all-time low; Poland is lately declaring certain communities “LGBT-free;” and it seems like every other day we […]

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5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids Deal With Climate Anxiety

Climate change is a terrifying reality and that much more frightening for people who have children. Many parents wonder what kind of world their children are inheriting and they’re unsure how to help their children cope, let alone answer their children’s questions about climate change. In the wake of the devastating landslides and fires in […]

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7 Ways to Deal With Your Climate Change Anxiety

Many of us are feeling pretty anxious about climate change these days. The situation is confusing and overwhelming and we don’t know what to do. Anxiety is a state of feeling helpless in the face of frightening possibilities, so the way to deal with anxiety, and specifically climate anxiety, is to take measures that will […]

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Why Do So Many Adults Join Cults?

A lot has been written about the kinds of people who choose to lead a cult. Like Charles Manson, Jim Jones or Sun Myung Moon, these are power-crazed narcissists and sociopaths, highly invested in manipulating and controlling others to do their bidding. It’s not enough for these individuals to have personal power; they’re compelled to […]

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Why Adult Children of Abusive Parents Live in Denial

For many, many human beings, it’s painful to see the truth about our loved ones, and most especially about our parents, so we choose instead to go into denial. Denial is a powerful human defense mechanism. We deny that the pain in our chest is serious because we don’t want to believe that we have […]

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When Victims of Abuse Justify their Abuser’s Behavior.

Lately, I’ve been noticing how a lot of people who are in abusive relationships have a habit of minimizing the bad behavior of their abusers. They rationalize and justify the other person’s behavior and it allows them to tolerate the unacceptable. It’s sad that people are being abused but it’s even sadder that those who […]

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Facing the Truth About Difficult Family Members

Most of us come from a family. Many of us have perfectly lovely families, but for those who don’t, our family can be a source of great unhappiness. If you come from a challenging or dysfunctional family, you might be wondering if there’s anything that you can do to improve your situation. Sometimes we grow […]

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The College Admissions Scandal is The Tip of The Iceberg For Helicopter Parenting

  This week, an explosive story broke in the news about how dozens of wealthy parents have been paying certain “educational consultants” (who, in turn, were paying off university athletic coaches and academic test administrators, among others) to get their children into prestigious universities. Many high-profile individuals were named in the scandal, including Hollywood actors […]

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