
The Ruthless Compassion Podcast with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Ruthless Compassion is a podcast about people who’ve turned their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Host, Dr. Marcia Sirota gets into it — with experts and regular folks — about the heavy stuff that gets in the way of what we want. Heavy stuff like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, difficult family and work relationships and the importance of self-care.

Dr. Marcia‘s approach is clear, human and accessible, which helps listeners turn their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Amie Valpone – Overcoming illness with an anti-inflammatory diet

Amie Valpone discusses overcoming illness with an anti-inflammatory diet. For more, click here. Change your diet, change your life on today’s epidoe! Amie Valpone – HHC, AADP, a Culinary Nutritionist, Professional Recipe Developer, Food Photographer, Celebrity Chef and Writer specializing in simple ‘Clean Eating’ recipes. She has continuing education certifications from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and […]

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Deb Crowe – Finding the ideal work/life balance

Work/Life balance expert Deb Crowe talks about how to create the perfect balance between personal and professional life. “Work Life Balance is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle” – Deborah Crowe – As the CEO of a successful medical case management practice for 23 years, I recognized the growing need for further supports for professionals and […]

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Cheryl Costello – The courage to be real

LGTBQ Activist and writer, Cheryl Costello discusses the challenges she has faced in life and how they have inspired to live with more love and to help others do the same.   Cheryl Costello is the force behind thelovinginstant.com, capturingtheinfinite.com, thefindingheartsproject.com and the soon launching applyitnow.com but is far more than the one who finds […]

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Lisa Berry – Opening your mind to new possibilities

Coach and mindset-makeover expert, Lisa Berry, discusses how you can shift your mindset to embrace new and wonderful possibilities for a healthier, happier and more loving future. For more, click here. Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy and fulfilled while standing confidently and […]

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Michael Ballard – Bouncing back from adversity and finding your flow

Positive outcomes specialist, Michael Ballard, shares humourous stories about bouncing back from adversity and finding your flow. For more, click here.   Michael specializes in developing and delivering programs that help people, organizations and communities understand, assess and develop their resiliency factors. These are essential skills for the success of individuals, families, organizations and community’s. His broad […]

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Gillian B – Being your very best through yoga and self-care.

Self-care teacher, Gillian B, is interviewed about being your very best through yoga and self-care.     Gillian is a self-care teacher, helping to empower people to take responsibility for their experience and create a better life. She shares her message of holistic health, yoga and self-love through coaching, workshops, international retreats and her online […]

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