
The Ruthless Compassion Podcast with Dr. Marcia Sirota

Ruthless Compassion is a podcast about people who’ve turned their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Host, Dr. Marcia Sirota gets into it — with experts and regular folks — about the heavy stuff that gets in the way of what we want. Heavy stuff like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, difficult family and work relationships and the importance of self-care.

Dr. Marcia‘s approach is clear, human and accessible, which helps listeners turn their emotional shit into fertilizer.

Michael Ballard – Bouncing back from adversity and finding your flow

Positive outcomes specialist, Michael Ballard, shares humourous stories about bouncing back from adversity and finding your flow. For more, click here.   Michael specializes in developing and delivering programs that help people, organizations and communities understand, assess and develop their resiliency factors. These are essential skills for the success of individuals, families, organizations and community’s. His broad […]

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Gillian B – Being your very best through yoga and self-care.

Self-care teacher, Gillian B, is interviewed about being your very best through yoga and self-care.     Gillian is a self-care teacher, helping to empower people to take responsibility for their experience and create a better life. She shares her message of holistic health, yoga and self-love through coaching, workshops, international retreats and her online […]

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Theresa Larson: Letting go of perfection and embracing self-acceptance

Physical therapist and ex-marine lieutenant Theresa Larson talks about moving beyond perfection and overcoming eating disorders. Theresa Larson was born and raised in a log cabin on the outskirts of Seattle, fostering a  love of the outdoors and an active lifestyle. After losing her mother to cancer at the age of 10, Theresa developed a resilient perseverance […]

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Matthew McLaughlin: Men, what does “masculinity” mean to you?

Filmmaker, Matthew McLaughlin, shares his thoughts on a person’s identity, masculinity and authenticity. Born and raised in Guelph, Ontario, Matthew McLaughlin learned early on that his strengths lied in the arts and the creation process. After attending the University of Guelph where he majored in theatre studies, and minord in studio arts, Matthew ventured to Toronto and landed his […]

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